The Night of The Red Tide

The Adventures of Two Unlikely Friends, Lily and Kai

Book Description

A compelling story for readers of all ages, The Night of the Red Tide follows the adventures of Lily, a highly energetic miniature Australian shepherd, and Kai, an extraordinary wandering albatross. These two unlikely friends meet on a magical night in California and travel across the world to escape the Great Pandemic, on a quest to reach Ireland and fulfill Lily’s dream of becoming a working sheepdog.

Accompany Lily and Kai on a thrilling journey that will stretch your imagination, taking you to faraway places inhabited by prolific wildlife and free-roaming farm animals. You will visit the remote islands of Galapagos, Tristan da Cunha, and subantarctic South Georgia, as well as the spectacular Irish land of Connemara.

Illustrated with captivating photographs of wild landscapes and animals in their natural habitat, this story will make you more aware of the need to preserve our precious planet and its endangered species, many of whom are fighting for survival in an increasingly threatened environment.

To Purchase

"The Night of the Red Tide" can be purchased from Amazon,, and other online bookstores, or ordered from your favorite bookshop.


***** 5 out of 5 stars.  Magical.              "A beautifully crafted piece that weaves and winds you on a magical voyage of hope and joy. A delight from start to end”. – Dr. N, , Amazon UK.

“I loved your narrative - teaming the Albatross and Australian Shepherd together to become inseparable friends. The photography was mind-blowing and beautiful. The scenery - locations and the animals they encountered en route were amazing.” - Audrey Hallett, UK.

“This story captivated my attention from the beginning and was so exciting that I didn’t want it to end!” - Susan Zimmerer, California.

A beautiful story of friendship that will appeal to all the family.” - Tanyalouise Ruttledge, UK.

"Children will enjoy this fantastic journey.  The pictures are a delight - often very beautiful, and educational - and fit well with the narrative. The cows on the beach are wonderful!” -  Chris Date, Vermont.

***** 5.0.      Must read 🏆                   "I loved this book! Brimming with warmth and saturated in wonder, The Night of The Red Tide is a delightful read. Rich and wonderful, it’s a masterful blend of magic, adventure, travel, friendship, conservation, and courage…  It's simply delicious! ... I’d grab a copy now ‘fize you. Cuz this one’s a winner!” – Kristine L.,